Download a PDF version here: How to install a gateway
Below is a step by step guide to installing a Cimar gateway. It will take you through the simple process of installing a gateway on your Windows host machine.
For a fullscreen version of this guide please click here.
Host Requirements
- 64 bit machine
- Windows 10 or Server 2016 (or later)
- Static IP address
- .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later
- Disc size dependent on volumes passing through – 250GB a good starting point.
Installation Requirements
- Port 443 open for secure (TSL/SSL) outbound communication to Cimar on
- Port 104 / 4006 open for internal DICOM communications
- Port 61616 and 8161 open for internal communications with Cimar gateway queue service
- Port 12000 open for internal HL7 communication
Installation Process (15 minutes)
- Sign in at: <your allocated Cimar account URL> eg.
- Click the ‘Download Gateway Software’ button
- Run downloaded ‘setup.exe’ file
- Once setup complete run ‘create_gateway.exe’ application
- Click ‘Create Gateway’ button
- Login and enter in Gateway details
- Press save and copy the serial into the create gateway application
- Press start on create_gateway application
- Wait for gateway to install
- Test study upload
Detailed Install Instructions
1. Sign into your Cimar account
2. Navigate to the Gateway tab
- Administration -> Gateway
3. Download gateway software
4. Run downloaded ‘setup.exe’ file
5. Select download destination (recommended to leave as the default)
6. Press next throughout the rest of the application process
7. Install the gateway
8. Select ‘No, I will restart the computer later’
9. Run the newly create ‘CreateGateway’ application
- This should be found on your desktop or,
- Can be found in ‘Program Files -> Cimar’ folder
10. In the create gateway application click ‘Create Gateway’ – this will automatically open up your web browser to a Cimar login screen
11. Login to Cimar with your details
12. Select the ‘Gateway Owner’
- This will be the namespace (worklist) that the gateway ties to and where studies sent to the gateway are uploaded to.
13. Give the gateway a logical name
- We recommend adding the gateway host machine’s IP address to the name for easier destination configuration. Eg. ‘Demo PC Gateway (’
14. Type of gateway is ‘gateway’
15. Set the category
16. Fill in the contact details of the gateway
- For more information about each field click the link labelled ‘here’
17. Save the details
18. Copy the gateway serial number from the popup
19. In the create gateway application paste the gateway serial number into the provided field
20. Click ‘Validate and Save’
- Ensure a popup saying the serial number is valid before proceeding to the next step
- If the popup does not say the serial number is valid please contact your Cimar representative or raise a ticket here.
21. On the create gateway application click the ‘Start’ button
22. Wait for the application to automatically build itself
- This process can take from 30 seconds to 10 minutes depending on the speed of the host machine
23. Once built the gateway will automatically begin running
24. Test the gateway (see ‘Test’ section)
25. If all tests pass then the gateway has been successfully installed
Gateway Tests
Check the services are all running
1. Open the ‘Task Manager’
2. Go to the services tab
3. Sort the services by ‘Name’
4. Ensure the following services are all running
5. If unable to access task manager you may still be able to access the services page via the control panel. Again ensure that the services above are all running.
Check the gateway log file
- In file explorer go to ‘program files -> Cimar -> Gateway -> logs’
- Open the text document named ‘log’
- In the log file you are looking for the following lines of text
- These may not be grouped exactly together
- If the gateway was recently built they are likely to be at the bottom of the document
Ensure the gateway is pinging in the UI
- Login to your Cimar account
- Go to Administration -> Gateway
- In the ‘Last ping’ column ensure the recently created gateway has a green and short ping time
Test a study upload
- In file explorer go to ‘Program Files -> Dicomgrid -> Dropbox’
- The dropbox folder provides a way to manually upload a study through the gateway into the cloud.
- Copy a test study into the folder
- Make sure the study is copied into the folder as the gateway will automatically delete the file once it has finished uploading the study
- Ensure that the study appears in the namespace tied to the gateway
- The time this takes depends on the size of the test study and the networks upload speed
- If it appears that the upload has failed consult the log file (see gateway log test) for guidance to what went wrong
- If still unsure please contact your Cimar representative or raise a support ticket here.
Download a PDF version here: How to install a gateway