The advanced search menu can be used to find individual studies e.g Accession Number "X12345" or filter a worklist based on a combination of parameters e.g "MRIs uploaded within the last 7 days with a study stage of unreported"

Using the steps below, a user can save this worklist search filter and then easily access this each time they subsequently login. 

In this particular example we are creating a saved search to 'only show unreported studies and filter out any completed or in process reports'. 

1. Login and load the study worklist you wish to filter e.g Dr Intended Radiologist 

2. Click the 'Advanced' search button and select only ‘Unassigned’ from the 'Study Stage' dropdown 

3. Once the search has been applied, click Save

4. The next time you login you can choose this saved search search as an option from your worklist dropdown. Clicking it will automatically load the worklist from Step 1 with the Advanced Search filter applied in Step 2.